| Class | Description |
 | Audit |
Class dedicated to log events for audit purpose
 | CategoryFolder |
Helper to change the category folder of elements
 | ConsoleLog |
Console implementation of the Log interface
 | DefaultConnection |
Store default connection of the user
 | DummyLogInterface |
Dummy implementation of the Log interface
 | LoginException |
Exception for Login process
 | MenuReportViewsPool |
Static object dedicated to manage the list of Menu reports in the repository
 | MetaColumn |
A MetaColumn is part of a MetaTable and defines an element that can be selected in a report
 | MetaConnection |
A MetaConnection defines a connection to a database
 | MetaData |
A MetaData contains the list of MetaTable, MetaJoin and MetaEnum of a data source
 | MetaEnum |
A MetaEnum defines an enumerated list in a MetaData
 | MetaEV |
A MetaEV defines a value of an enumerated list
 | MetaJoin |
A MetaJoin defines how to join 2 MetaTables
 | MetaSource |
A MetaSource contains a list of MetaConnection and a MetaData
 | MetaTable |
A MetaTable defines a table in a database and contains a list of MetaColumns.
 | MetaTableLink |
Link to a MetaTable of another MetaSource
 | MetaTableTemplate |
Template for NoSQL Meta Tables.
 | Navigation |
A navigation for a given ReportExecution and NavigationLink
 | NavigationContext |
Class to perform the navigation (sub-report or drill)
 | NavigationLink |
A link to handle a navigation from an element
 | OutputDevice |
Abstract Class to implement an OutputDevice
 | OutputEmailDevice |
OutputEmailDevice is an implementation of a SMTP Server device to send report result by emails.
 | OutputFileServerDevice |
OutputFileServerDevice is an implementation of device that save the report result to a file server (FTP, SFTP, etc.).
 | OutputFolderDevice |
OutputFolderDevice is an implementation of device that save the report result to a file.
 | OutputParameter |
OutputParameter are Parameter used for report output
 | Parameter |
Parameters are used to configure report templates, outputs and repository security
 | RecentFileItem |
Store recent file for the user's profile
 | Report |
The main Report class to store a report definition, plus extra properties for execution
 | ReportComponent |
Component of the report having a reference to a Report object
 | ReportElement |
A report element is a column to display in a report. A report element is a child of a MetaColumn.
 | ReportExecution |
Main worker class that handles a report execution and rendering.
 | ReportModel |
A ReportModel defines how to generate the Result Set (Data Table) and Series from the database.
 | ReportOutput |
A ReportOutput defines the execution of a report on an OutputDevice (Folder or Email)
 | ReportRestriction |
A ReportRestriction defines a restriction applied to a report model. A report restriction is a child of a ReportElement.
 | ReportSchedule |
A ReportSchedule defines a schedule on a ReportOutput. Schedules are using Tasks of the Windows Task Scheduler.
 | ReportSource |
A ReportSource is a MetaSource dedicated for report executions
 | ReportTask |
A ReportTask defines the exection of a task: SQL statement or Razor script
 | ReportTaskTemplate |
Template for Report Tasks.
 | ReportView |
A ReportView defines how a ReportModel is rendered.
 | ReportViewPartialTemplate |
A ReportViewPartialTemplate is a partial template of a report view template.
 | ReportViewTemplate |
A ReportViewTemplate defines how a view is parsed and rendered.
 | Repository |
The Repository class defines all the default values, configurations and security of the application and contains the current MetaSource and OutputDevice objects .
 | RepositoryServer |
The RepositoryServer is used to maintain a static list of ReportViewTemplate for performances purpose
 | RepositoryTranslation |
A RepositoryTranslation defines a translation got from the repository
 | ResultCell |
A ResultCell defines a cell generated in a table after the execution of a report model
 | ResultData |
Arrays of ResultCell stored in the ResultPage generated after a report model execution
 | ResultPage |
A ResultPage is a generated for each page value after a model execution. It stores the Pages, Rows, Columns, Datas and Series results.
 | ResultSerie |
ResultSerie is a serie result got after a model execution
 | ResultSerieComparer |
Class to sort the result series when rendering in the view
 | ResultSerieValue |
Defines a serie value (One to several X values, one Y value)
 | ResultStatistics |
ResultStatistics stores statistics for the table per element.
 | ResultTable |
ResultTable are generated after a model execution. It stores list of arrays of ResultCell.
 | ResultTotalCell |
A ResultTotalCell is a ResultCell dedicated for totals
 | RootComponent |
Base class containing a GUID and a Name
 | RootEditor |
Editor component to edit the properties in PropertyGrid
 | SealExcelConverter |
Base class for the Excel Converter
 | SealInterface |
Virtual class for SealInterface implementation
 | SealPdfConverter |
Base class for the Pdf Converter
 | SealReportScheduler |
Main Scheduler to execute the report schedules defined in a repository.
 | SealSchedule |
SealSchedule defines a schedule when the Seal Report Scheduler is active.
 | SealSecurity |
SealSecurity defines all the repository security
 | SealServerConfiguration |
Main configuration of the Seal Server
 | SealServerConfigurationFileReplacePattern |
Defines a pattern to replace in a file
 | SealServerConfigurationKeyValue |
Key name and values used by the application and stored at server level
 | SecurityColumn |
A SecurityColumn defines the security applied to a column for the Web Report Designer
 | SecurityConnection |
A SecurityConnection defines the security applied to a connection for the Web Report Designer
 | SecurityDevice |
A SecurityDevice defines the security applied to a device for the Web Report Designer
 | SecurityFolder |
A SecurityFolder defines the security applied to a published folder
 | SecurityGroup |
A SecurityGroup defines all the security applied to a user belonging to the group
 | SecurityLogin |
A SecurityLogin defines credentials that may be used by security provider during the authentication
 | SecurityParameter |
SecurityParameter are Parameters used to define the security
 | SecurityProvider |
The SecurityProvider defines how the login is done and the security groups are added to the user
 | SecuritySource |
A SecuritySource defines the security applied to a data source for the Web Report Designer
 | SecurityUser |
A SecurityUser defines a logged user with all security objects
 | SecurityUserProfile |
Object to store the culture and the recent reports of the user
 | SessionLostException |
Exception for Session Lost
 | StringLog |
String implementation of the Log interface
 | SubReport |
A SubReport defines a report executed from a column
 | SWIConnection | |
 | SWIFile |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIFolder |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIFolderDetail |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIItem |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIMenuItem |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIMetaSource | |
 | SWIOutput |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIReportDetail |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIUserProfile |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIView |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | SWIWebMenu |
Class used for the Seal Web Interface: Communication from the Browser to the Web Report Server
 | ValidationException |
Exception that should not be logged or audited
 | WebMainModel |
Main model used for the Web Report Server