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ResultCell Class

A ResultCell defines a cell generated in a table after the execution of a report model
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Seal.Model
Assembly: SealLibrary (in SealLibrary.dll) Version:
public class ResultCell

The ResultCell type exposes the following members.

Public methodResultCellInitializes a new instance of the ResultCell class
Public propertyCellCssClass Css cell class
Public propertyCellCssDetailClass Css cell class for the detail model
Public propertyCellCssDetailStyle Css cell style for detail model
Public propertyCellCssPageClass Css cell class for the page table
Public propertyCellCssPageStyle Css cell style for page table
Public propertyCellCssStyle Css cell style
Public propertyCellCssSummaryClass Css cell class for the summary table
Public propertyCellCssSummaryStyle Css cell style for summary table
Public propertyContextCurrentLine For cell script execution: current line of the table (array of cell)
Public propertyContextIsPageTable For cell script execution: true if the cell is in a page table
Public propertyContextIsSummaryTable For cell script execution: true if the cell is in a summary table
Public propertyDateTimeOAValue Date time value of the cell if possible
Public propertyDateTimeValue Date time value of the cell if possible
Public propertyDisplayValue Display value of the cell
Public propertyDoubleValue Double value of the cell if possible
Public propertyHTMLValue HTML value of the cell
Public propertyIsValue True if the cell is not for a total and not for a title
Public propertyLinks 
Public propertyNavigationValue Value used for navigation
Public propertyRawDisplayValue Display value of the cell without applying the format or translation
Public methodAddNavigationFileDownload Add a navigation link from this cell to download a file. The file will be loaded in the Navigation Script of the model.
Public methodAddNavigationHyperLink Add a navigation link from this cell to open a new page on a web site
Public methodAddNavigationReportExecution Add a navigation link from this cell to execute another report in a new window
Public methodAddNavigationReportNavigation Add a navigation link from this cell to execute another report within the current navigation context
Public methodStatic memberCompareCell Compares 2 cells
Public methodStatic memberCompareCells Compares 2 cells arrays
Public methodStatic memberCompareCellsForTableLoad Compares 2 cells arrays
Public methodCSVValue CSV value of the cell
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetNavigationLinks Return the list of navigation links in the View context
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberShouldSort(ListResultCell) Returns true if at least a Sort is specified
Public methodStatic memberShouldSort(ResultCell) Returns true if at least a Sort is specified
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public fieldContextCol For cell script execution: current ResultTable
Public fieldContextModel For cell script execution: current ReportModel
Public fieldContextPage For cell script execution: current ResultPage
Public fieldContextRow For cell script execution: current ResultTable
Public fieldContextTable For cell script execution: current ResultTable
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultCellCssClass Default Css Class for a cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultCellCssStyle Default Css Style for a cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultDateTimeCellCssClass Default Css Class for a datetime cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultDateTimeCellCssStyle Default Css Style for a datetime cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultDateTimeSummaryTitleCssStyle Default Css Style for a datetime title cell. Default value is 'text-align:right;'
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultDateTimeTitleCssClass Default Css Class for a datetime title cell. Default value is 'text-right'
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultDateTimeTitleCssStyle Default Css Style for a datetime title cell. Default value is 'text-align:right;padding-right:25px;'
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNumericCellCssClass Default Css Class for a numeric cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNumericCellCssStyle Default Css Style for a numeric cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNumericSummaryTitleCssStyle Default Css Style for a numeric title cell of summary table. Default value is 'text-align:right;'
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNumericTitleCssClass Default Css Class for a numeric title cell. Default value is 'text-right'
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultNumericTitleCssStyle Default Css Style for a numeric title cell. Default value is 'text-align:right;padding-right:25px;'
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTitleCssClass Default Css Class for a title cell
Public fieldStatic memberDefaultTitleCssStyle Default Css Style for a title cell
Public fieldElement The ReportElement of the element model
Public fieldFinalCssClass If not empty, the css class is used for the cell
Public fieldFinalCssStyle If not empty, the css style is used for the cell
Public fieldFinalValue If not empty, the value is used for the cell
Public fieldIsSerie True if the cell is for a serie
Public fieldIsSubTotal True if the cell is for a sub total
Public fieldIsTitle True if the cell is for a title
Public fieldIsTotal True if the cell is for a total
Public fieldIsTotalTotal True if the cell is for the total of totals
Public fieldSubReportValues Values used for sub report navigation
Public fieldTag Custom Tag the can be used at execution time to store any object
Public fieldValue The object value of the cell
See Also