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ReportTask Class

A ReportTask defines the exection of a task: SQL statement or Razor script
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Seal.Model
Assembly: SealLibrary (in SealLibrary.dll) Version:
public class ReportTask : ReportComponent

The ReportTask type exposes the following members.

Public methodReportTaskInitializes a new instance of the ReportTask class
Public propertyBodyScript Body Razor script executed for the Task.
Public propertyConnection Current MetaConnection
Public propertyConnectionGUID The connection identifier used by the task
Public propertyDefaultBodyScript Default body script coming from the template
Public propertyDefaultScript Default script coming from the template
Public propertyDescription Description coming from the template
Public propertyEnabled If false, the task is ignored and not executed
Public propertyError Last error message
Public propertyExecuteForEachConnection If true, the task will be executed for each connection defined in the Data Source. If false, only the current connection is used.
Public propertyGUID The unique identifier
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyIgnoreError If true, errors occuring during the task execution are ignored and the report execution continues
Public propertyInformation Last information message
Public propertyName The name
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyParameters List of Table Parameters
Public propertyParentTask Current parent task if any
Public propertyReport The current report
(Inherited from ReportComponent)
Public propertyRepository Current Repository
Public propertyRetries Number of retries in case of error
Public propertyRetryDuration Duration in seconds to wait between each retry
Public propertyScript Razor script executed for the Task. It may be empty if the SQL Script is defined. If the script returns 0, the report is cancelled and the next tasks are not executed.
Public propertySortOrder Order of the task amongst the tasks of the report
Public propertySource Current ReportSource
Public propertySourceGUID Identifier of the current report source
Public propertySQL SQL Statement executed for the task. It may be empty if a Razor Script is defined. The statement may contain Razor script if it starts with '@'. If the SQL result returns 0, the report is cancelled and the next tasks are not executed.
Public propertySQLSeparator Separator used in the SQL Statement to split the script in several sub-scripts and executions (e.g. GO or ;). The SQL statement must contain the separator plus a line feed to be detected.
Public propertySQLStatements List of SQL statements to execute
Public propertyStep The Report Execution Step to execute the task. By default, tasks are executed before the models generation.
Public propertyTaskTemplate 
Public propertyTemplateName The Razor Script used to execute the task
Public methodAfterSerialization Operations performed after the serialization
Public methodBeforeSerialization Operations performed before the serialization
Public methodCancel Cancel the task
Public methodStatic memberCreate Creates a basic ReportTask
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodExecute Executes the task
Public methodExecuteScript 
Public methodExecuteSQL 
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetBoolValue Returns a parameter boolean value with a default if it does not exist
Public methodGetDbCommand Returns a DbCommand from a MetaConnection
Public methodGetDoubleValue Returns a parameter double value
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetNumericValue Returns a parameter integer value
Public methodGetSort Returns the order of the task
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetValue Returns the parameter value
Public methodGetValueTranslated Returns the parameter value replacing Exec and Repository keywords
Public methodHandleException 
Public methodInit Init the editor objects
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitDefaultValues Init the default values
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitEditor Init the editor objects and the default values
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitParameters Init the parameters from the template
Public methodInitReferences Init all references of the task
Public methodLogMessage Log Interface implementation
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodSetReadOnly Set all properties to readonly
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodShouldSerializeEnabled 
Public methodShouldSerializeParameters 
Public methodShouldSerializeViews 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUpdateEditor Update editor attributes
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected methodUpdateEditorAttributes Refresh properties attrivutes
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected field_connectionGUID 
Protected field_dctd
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected field_GUID
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Protected field_name
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Protected field_report
(Inherited from ReportComponent)
Public fieldStatic memberBodyScriptTemplate 
Public fieldDbInfoMessage Information message for database
Public fieldExecInput Optional input object for the task
Public fieldStatic memberExecInputKeyword 
Public fieldExecProcessChildren Exec flag to disable children processing
Public fieldExecResult The result of the task, if any
Public fieldExecution The current report execution executing the task
Public fieldStatic memberNoChildrenBodyScriptTemplate 
Public fieldStatic memberParentExecResultKeyword 
Public fieldStatic memberParentTaskConnectionGUID 
Public fieldProgression Current progression of the task in percentage
Public fieldTag Custom Tag the can be used at execution time to store any object
Public fieldTasks Children of the task
Public fieldTemplateDescription Description coming from the template
Public fieldStatic memberTranslatedParameterDescription 
Public fieldStatic memberTranslatedParameterDescriptionFull 
See Also