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Report Class

The main Report class to store a report definition, plus extra properties for execution
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Seal.Model
Assembly: SealLibrary (in SealLibrary.dll) Version:
public class Report : RootEditor, ReportExecutionLog

The Report type exposes the following members.

Public methodReportInitializes a new instance of the Report class
Public propertyAllExecutionRestrictions List of all restrictions involved in the execution
Public propertyAllRestrictions List of all restrictions of all models of the report, plus the input values
Public propertyAllViews Helper to list of all the views of the report
Public propertyCancel 
Public propertyCommonScripts List of scripts added to all scripts executed for the report (including tasks). This may be useful to defined common functions for the report.
Public propertyCommonScriptsHeader The header to include in razor scripts executed for this report
Public propertyCultureInfo Current culture of the execution
Public propertyDateKeywordsList List of date keywords in english
Public propertyDisplayName The report name displayed in the result. If empty, the report file name is used. The display name may contain a Razor script if it starts with '@'.
Public propertyDisplayNameEx The final display name of the report. It may include script execution defined in DisplayName
Public propertyDisplayResultFilePath File path displayed to the user
Public propertyExecutionCommonRestrictions List of common restrictions prompted at execution
Public propertyExecutionFullDuration Full execution duration
Public propertyExecutionInputValues The current list of input values restrictions of the report at execution time
Public propertyExecutionModelDuration Duration of the model execution
Public propertyExecutionModels List of model to process during the report execution. By default, only models involved in displayed views are executed, unless they have the ForceModelsLoad flag set to true.
Public propertyExecutionName Name of the report during its execution
Public propertyExecutionProgression Execution progression in percentage
Public propertyExecutionProgressionMessage Execution progression message
Public propertyExecutionProgressionModels Execution progression percentage for the models processing
Public propertyExecutionProgressionModelsMessage Execution progression percentage message for the models processing
Public propertyExecutionProgressionTasks Execution progression percentage for the tasks processing
Public propertyExecutionProgressionTasksMessage Execution progression percentage for the tasks processing
Public propertyExecutionPromptedRestrictions List of restrictions prompted at execution from the Report Result
Public propertyExecutionTasks List of tasks to be executed (actually tasks enabled)
Public propertyExecutionView Root view being executed
Public propertyExecutionViewRestrictions List of all view restrictions prompted at execution
Public propertyExecutionViews List of all views to parse during the report execution.
Public propertyFormat Report format
Public propertyForOutput True if the execution is for a report output
Public propertyGenerateHTMLDisplay True if the html display result is being generated
Public propertyGenerationFolder Current folder use for the file generation during execution
Public propertyGUID Unique identifier of the report
Public propertyHasChart True if the report has chart
Public propertyHasChartJSChart True if the report has JS chart
Public propertyHasErrors True if the execution has errors
Public propertyHasExternalViewer True if the report result has an external viewer (different from HTML)
Public propertyHasNVD3Chart True if the report has NVD3 chart
Public propertyHasPlotlyChart True if the report has Plotly chart
Public propertyHasRestrictions True if the report has restrictions to prompt
Public propertyHasScottPlotChart True if the report has ScottPlot chart
Public propertyHasValidationErrors After execution, indicates if the report has validation errors
Public propertyHTMLDisplayFilePath Path of the HTML intermediate result file
Public propertyInitScript A Razor script executed when the report is initialized for the execution. The script can be used to modify the report definition (e.g. set default values in restrictions).
Public propertyInputValues Definition of additional report input values (actually a restriction used as value only that may be prompted). Input values can then be used in the task scripts or any scripts used to generate the report.
Public propertyIsBasicHTMLWithNoOutput True if the report is not for an output and has no external viewer
Public propertyIsExecuting True if the report is being executed
Public propertyIsServerPaginationEnabled True if the server pagination for DataTables is enabled
Public propertyModels List of models of the report
Public propertyNavigationScript Optional Razor Script executed if script navigation links have been added in the CellScript
Public propertyOutputFolderDeviceResultFolder Path of the folder when executed to an output device
Public propertyOutputs List of outputs of the report
Public propertyPrintLayout True if the print layout should be used for the HTML generation
Public propertyPrintQueries If true, the query is printed in the report messages (for debug purpose).
Public propertyRelativeFilePath Current file path without reports directory
Public propertyRenderer Current renderer (if any) used for the execution
Public propertyResultExtension File extension of the result file
Public propertyResultFileEncoding Encoding of the result file
Public propertyResultFileName Current file name of the result file
Public propertySchedules List of schedules of the report
Public propertyShowExecutionMessages Indicates if the execution messages are shown in the report
Public propertySources List of data sources of the report (either from repository or defined in the report itself)
Public propertyTaskFolder Task Folder used to store the schedules of the report
Public propertyTaskHelper Default task helper for the report
Public propertyTasks List of tasks of the report
Public propertyViewGUID The view used by default to execute the report.
Public propertyViews List of views of the report
Public propertyWebExecutionErrors Execution errors after execution used by the Web Report Server
Public methodAddChildView(ReportView, ReportViewTemplate) From a parent view, add a child view with a template
Public methodAddChildView(ReportView, String) From a parent view, add a child view with a template name
Public methodAddModel Add a default model to the report (either SQL or Standard)
Public methodAddModelHTMLView Add a model view to the report
Public methodAddOutput Add a default output to the report
Public methodAddRootView Add a root report view to the report
Public methodAddSchedule Add a schedule to the report
Public methodAddSource Add a default source to the report
Public methodAddTask Add a default task to the report
Public methodAddTask(ReportTask, ReportTaskTemplate) Add a task to the report
Public methodAddView Add a view with a template name
Public methodAttachCSSFile For a CSS File, insert the attached file name or its content according to execution context
Public methodAttachCSSFiles For CSS Files, insert the attached file names or their contents according to execution context
Public methodAttachImageFile The image file name or source of the HTML result according to execution context
Public methodAttachScriptFile For a Script File, insert the attached script file name or it content according to execution context
Public methodAttachScriptFiles For Script Files, insert the attached file names or their contents according to execution context
Public methodCancelExecution Cancel the report execution
Public methodCheckAllPromptedValues Check that all prompted values are not empty for the report. Set validation errors and cancel the report if not.
Public methodCheckLinkedTablesSources Check report sources to have all sources referenced by linked tables
Public methodCheckOnePromptedValue Check that at least one prompted value is not empty for the report. Set validation errors and cancel the report if not.
Public methodClone Clone a report
Public methodContextTranslate Translate a reference text from a given context
Public methodStatic memberCreate Create an empty report
Public methodEnumMessage Translate the enum message using the EnumMessage context
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFindView Helper to find a view from its identifier
Public methodFindViewFromName Helper to find a view from its name
Public methodFindViewFromTemplate Helper to find a view from its template name
Public methodGetCommonScriptsHeader The header to include in razor scripts executed for this report, except the one being edited
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetImageFile The image file name of the HTML result according to execution context
Public methodGetInputRestriction Input restriction value for a given key
Public methodGetInputValueByName Returns an input value (Report Restriction) from a given name
Public methodGetModelsToExecute For a given view, fill the list of models to execute
Public methodGetReportCommonScriptKey Returns a common script key from a given name and model
Public methodGetReportModel Helper to get a report model from its name
Public methodGetReportNavigationFileDownloadLink Get the hyperlink string to execute the report navigation script to download a file.
Public methodGetReportNavigationScriptLink Get the hyperlink string to execute the report navigation script.
Public methodGetSort 
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetViewFromExecId Helper to get the a view from its execution id
Public methodInit Init the editor objects
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitDefaultValues Init the default values
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitEditor Init the editor objects and the default values
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitForExecution Procedure executed before any execution: set default parameters values and executes init scripts.
Public methodInitGUIDAndSchedules Init view GUIDs and clear schedule before a report Copy
Public methodInitReferences Init all references of the report: Sources, Models, Views, Taks, InputValues
Public methodIsInRestrictionView Returns true if the restriction is referenced by a Restriction View
Public methodStatic memberLoadFromFile Load a report from a file
Public methodLogExecution Log the report execution in the Log repository folder
Public methodLogMessage Log Interface implementation
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodRemoveModel Remove a report model from the report
Public methodRemoveOutput Remove an output from the report
Public methodRemoveSchedule Remove a schedule from the report
Public methodRemoveSource Remove a report source from the report
Public methodRemoveTask Remove a task from the report
Public methodRemoveView Remove a view from its parent
Public methodSaveToFile Save the current report to its file
Public methodSaveToFile(String) Save report to a given file
Public methodSetReadOnly Set all properties to readonly
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodShouldSerializePrintQueries 
Public methodSynchronizeTasks Synchronize all report schedules defined in the report with the Windows Task Scheduler.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTranslate(String) Translate a reference text from the Report context
Public methodTranslate(String, Object) Translate a reference text from the Report context with args parameter
Public methodTranslateDateKeywords Translate a date keyword
Public methodTranslateDateKeywordsToEnglish Translate a date keyword in english
Public methodTranslateDisplayName Translate using the ReportDisplayName context
Public methodTranslateElement Translate using the Element context
Public methodTranslateEnumValue Translate using the Enum context
Public methodTranslateGeneral Translate using the ReportGeneral context
Public methodTranslateOutputName Translate using the ReportOutputName context
Public methodTranslateRepository Repository Translate using the ReportViewName context
Public methodTranslateToJS Translate in a JavaScript format a reference text from the Report context
Public methodTranslateViewName Translate using the ReportViewName context
Public methodUpdateEditor Update editor attributes
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected methodUpdateEditorAttributes Refresh properties attrivutes
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodUpdateViewParameter Helper to update a view parameter
Protected field_dctd
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public fieldCheckingExecution True if the report is being tested for execution (from the Server Manager)
Public fieldCurrentModelView Current model view used when parsing
Public fieldCurrentPage Current page used when parsing
Public fieldCurrentView Current view used when parsing
Public fieldCurrentViewGUID GUID of the view to being executed
Public fieldDrillParents List of drill parents at execution
Public fieldExcelResult Current Excel objects used by the ExcelRenderer
Public fieldExecutionContext Context of the execution: DesignerReport, DesignerOutput, TaskScheduler, WebReport, WebOutput
Public fieldExecutionEndDate Execution end date time
Public fieldExecutionErrors Execution errors after execution
Public fieldExecutionErrorStackTrace Execution errors stack trace after execution
Public fieldExecutionGUID Current identifier of the report's execution
Public fieldExecutionInitiator Optional initiator of the execution
Public fieldExecutionMessages Execution messages after execution
Public fieldExecutionRenderingDate Rendering date time
Public fieldExecutionStartDate Execution start date time
Public fieldExecutionTriggerView Restriction View that has triggered the execution
Public fieldFilePath Current file path of the report
Public fieldHasNavigation True if the report has navigation links in the result
Public fieldHTMLResultFilePath Path of the result file in HTML after a report execution (set only for PDF conversions)
Public fieldInitScriptsExecutionMessages Execution messages got after the init scripts executions
Public fieldInputRestrictions Helper Dictionary to manage restrictions in the Web Report Server
Public fieldIsNavigating True is the report execution occured after an navigation (sub-report or drill)
Public fieldJsonResult Current Json objects used by the JsonRenderer
Public fieldLastModification Last modification date of the report file
Public fieldLoadErrors Error messages got during the load of the report
Public fieldNavigationLinks List of links used for Script navigation
Public fieldOnlyBody True if the execution generates only the report body (not headers)
Public fieldOutputToExecute Current report output to execute
Public fieldPDFResult Current PDF objects used by the PDFRenderer
Public fieldPreInputRestrictions Helper Dictionary to manage restrictions in the Web Report Server
Public fieldRenderOnly True if the report has only to be rendered
Public fieldRepository Current repository of the report
Public fieldResultFilePath Path of the result file after a report execution
Public fieldSchedulesModified True if the schedules have been modified
Public fieldSchedulesWithCurrentUser True if the schedules have to be defined with the current user, otherwise SYSTEM is used
Public fieldSecurityContext Current security user of the report execution
Public fieldStatus Execution status of the report
Public fieldStringTag String that can be used at run-time for any purpose
Public fieldStringTag2 String that can be used at run-time for any purpose
Public fieldStringTag3 String that can be used at run-time for any purpose
Public fieldTag Object that can be used at run-time for any purpose
Public fieldTag2 Object that can be used at run-time for any purpose
Public fieldTag3 Object that can be used at run-time for any purpose
Public fieldTaskToExecute Task set if only one task has to be executed
Public fieldTemplateParsingErrors Error messages got during the parsing of the templates
Public fieldUpgradeWarnings Warning messages in case of product upgrade
Public fieldWebUrl URL when executed from the Web Report Server
See Also