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MetaColumn Class

A MetaColumn is part of a MetaTable and defines an element that can be selected in a report
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: Seal.Model
Assembly: SealLibrary (in SealLibrary.dll) Version:
public class MetaColumn : RootComponent

The MetaColumn type exposes the following members.

Public methodMetaColumnInitializes a new instance of the MetaColumn class
Public propertyCategory Category used to display the column in the Report Designer tree view. Category hierarchy can be defined using the '/' character (e.g. 'Master/Name1/Name2').
Public propertyColumnName Returns the SQL column name without prefix
Public propertyCssClass CSS Classes applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table. Bootstrap classes may be used.
Public propertyCssStyle CSS Styles applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table. Bootstrap classes may be used.
Public propertyDateTimeStandardFormat Standard display format applied to the element
Public propertyDisplayName Name used to display the column in the Report Designer tree view and in the report results
Public propertyDisplayName2 Display name used to sort the TreeView
Public propertyDisplayOrder The order number used to sort the column in the tree view (by table and by category)
Public propertyDrillChildren Defines the child columns to navigate from this column with the drill feature
Public propertyDrillUpOnlyIfDD If true, Drill Up is activated only if a drill down occured
Public propertyEnum Enumerated list if the column has an EnumGUID
Public propertyEnumGUID If defined, a list of values is proposed when the column is used for restrictions
Public propertyError Last error message
Public propertyFormat If not empty, specify the format of the elements values displayed in the result tables (.Net Format Strings)
Public propertyFullDisplayName Full display name
Public propertyGUID The unique identifier
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyHasTime True if the column is a DateTime displaying time
Public propertyHelperAddSubReport Editor Helper: Add an existing Sub-Report to this column
Public propertyHelperCheckColumn Editor Helper: Check the column SQL statement in the database
Public propertyHelperCreateDrillDates Editor Helper: Create automatically a 'Year' column and a 'Month' column to drill down to the date
Public propertyHelperCreateEnum Editor Helper: Click to create an enumerated list from this table column
Public propertyHelperCreateSubReport Editor Helper: Create a Sub-Report to display the detail of this table
Public propertyHelperOpenSubReportFolder Editor Helper: Open the Sub-Report folder in Windows Explorer
Public propertyHelperShowValues Editor Helper: Show the first 1000 values of the column
Public propertyInformation Last information message ther column has been checked
Public propertyIsAggregate Must be True if the column contains SQL aggregate functions like SUM,MIN,MAX,COUNT,AVG
Public propertyIsSQL True if the source is a standard SQL source
Public propertyMetaTable Current MetaTable of the column
Public propertyName The name of the column in the table or the SQL Statement used for the column
(Overrides RootComponentName)
Public propertyNumericStandardFormat Standard display format applied to the element
Public propertyRawLINQColumnName LINQ Column name of the element
Public propertySource Current MetaSource
Public propertySubReports Defines sub-reports to navigate from this column
Public propertyTag Tag used to define the security of the Web Report Designer (Columns of the Security Groups defined in the Web Security)
Public propertyType 
Public methodStatic memberCreate Create a basic column
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetSort The display order
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodInit Init the editor objects
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitDefaultValues Init the default values
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodInitEditor Init the editor objects and the default values
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Protected methodSetDefaultFormat Set default format defined in the repository configuration accroding to the type
Public methodSetReadOnly Set all properties to readonly
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Public methodSetStandardFormat Set standard format accroding to the type
Public methodShouldSerializeDrillUpOnlyIfDD 
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodUpdateEditor Update editor attributes
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected methodUpdateEditorAttributes Refresh properties attrivutes
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected field_datetimeStandardFormat 
Protected field_dctd
(Inherited from RootEditor)
Protected field_displayName 
Protected field_enumGUID 
Protected field_format 
Protected field_GUID
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Protected field_name
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Protected field_numericStandardFormat 
Protected field_source 
Protected field_type Data type of the column
See Also