Data Sources
A Data Source defines the database connections and description (table, catalog and joins).
Use the Server Manager to create and edit your Data Sources.
A Repository Data Source is stored in the /Sources Repository sub-folder in a XML file (*.scfx).
Setting up a connection is the first thing to do after creating a Data Source.
A Connection defines how to connect to the database to be queried by using an OLEDB, ODBC, MS SQLServer, Mongo DB or MySQL Driver.
A Data Source can have one to many Connections (
Use the Database Type
property to define your database type. This type may be used by the engine in different ways (
Once the connection successfully defined, you can use the Wizard to import tables, columns and joins from the database catalog.
Date Time Format
property to specify how the date will be formatted in the dynamic WHERE clause generated by the engine.
Tables and Columns
A table is defined either by its Name
or by a SQL Statement
and Table alias
Table columns can be dynamically populated using the database catalog.
Dynamic Columns
property to false to rework your column definitions.
Pre and Post SQL Statement
A table can also have a Pre SQL Statement
(Post SQL Statement
) that is executed before (and after) the select statement is performed for a report model.
It occurs only if the report model involves the table.
These statements can be used for different purposes: Creating/Dropping a temporary table, updating columns, etc.
Additional WHERE Clause
An Additional WHERE Clause
can also be defined to filter at run-time the records of the table.
This feature may be interesting to apply filter based on the person logged (
Common restrictions and values
All SQL involved in the table definition (Name
, SQL Statement
, Pre SQL Statement
, etc.) can contain the keywords '{CommonRestriction_<RestrictionName>}' or '{CommonValue_<RestrictionName>}' where <RestrictionName>
is the name of the restriction.
Once defined, the common restriction can be defined in the models involving the table using the Common Restrictions
property of the model definition.
Common restrictions are used to inject values prompted by the end-user in the form 'ColumnName=Value' or 'ValueOnly' if the restriction has the operator ValueOnly.
Common restriction can also be used to pass parameters to stored procedures.
e.g. the following SQL can be used to define a table or a SQL Model:
1 2 3 4 5 | SELECT 'Type1' type, sum (aColumn1) amount FROM aTableName1 WHERE subType in (3,4) and {CommonRestriction_Date} UNION SELECT 'Type2' type, sum (aColumn2) FROM aTableName2 WHERE {CommonRestriction_Date} UNION SELECT 'Type3' type, sum (aColumn3) FROM aTableName3 WHERE {CommonRestriction_Date} |
A column is defined with its SQL (Name
), its Data type
and how it is display in the Report Designer (Display name
and Category Name
properties) and in the report result (Format
In certain cases, a column can reference an enumerated list with the Enumerated List
property (
Drill and Sub-Reports Navigation
Once the column is displayed in the report result, a navigation popup menu can be activated (in the table cells or in charts).
Two types of navigation can be done:
Drill navigation to show the same report with another dimension (
e.g. Country->Region->City, Year->Quarter->Month->Day ).
When drilling, the same report is executed with a new restriction on parent element value, and the parent element is replaced by its child in the model definition. -
Sub-report navigation to view another report (
e.g. from Order ID->Show a report detail on the Order ).
A new report is then executed with the restriction on the element value.
After a navigation has occurred, a new menu appears on the top left of the report result.
One to several drill children can defined using the Drill Children
One to several sub-reports can defined using the Sub-Reports
A sub-report file is often located in the /SubReports Repository sub-folder and must have a restriction defined for the column.
Drill Element Samples
In the Northwind Data Source, select the Orders.Order Year column and check that theDrill Children
property is set to Orders.Order Month.Then the hierarchy continues to Orders.Order Year->Orders.Order Month->Orders.Order ID.
A drill child is also defined for the column Products.Category->Products Name.
Sub-Report Elements Samples
In the Northwind Data Source, select the Orders.Order ID column and check that theSub Reports
property is pointing to the SubReports\Order Detail.srex report.A sub-report is also defined for the columns Customers.Customer, Employees.Employee Name, Products.Product Name.
A join defines how 2 tables can be joined through a SQL clause
Joins are used by the Seal engine to build a select involving several tables (
SQL clause
is used by the Seal engine without any transformation, thus it is recommended to use the table names or alias before the column.
Enumerated lists
Enumerated lists are mainly used to allow the end-user to select a value from a combo-box when a restriction is prompted.
An enum has an Identifier
and an optional display Value
In addition, an enum can have a specific CSS Class
, CSS Style
to change the display of the result cell in the report result, and Restriction Value
to change the display value when the enum is used for a restriction.
If the display value is different from the identifier, using an enumerated list for a column can avoid a table join (
Using enumerated lists allows also to translate the display value in different languages (
Finally, you can define custom sort that you could not do in SQL (
By default, an enumerated list is static, just edit the values using the Collection Editor.
Dynamic enums
Enumerated list can be also loaded from the database using SQL Select Statement
and/or a Razor Script
The select statement can have up to 5 columns to define dynamic enumerated list.
- the first column is used for the identifier
- the second optional column is the display value shown in the table result
- the third optional column is the display value shown in the restriction list
- the fourth optional column defines a custom CSS Style applied to the result cell
- the fifth optional column defines a custom CSS Class applied to the result cell
can be used to create or modify the Enumerated list values.Changing the CSS style or class can be useful to change the color depending on the value (
As building the enum list can be time consuming, it is a good practice to schedule a task to update enum values every morning.Setting
List is refreshed upon the database connection
to true means the list is always queried when the report is executed. This can be useful if the list depends on the user connected but can be also time consuming.
Dynamic display for prompted restrictions
For huge list of values or for list having dependencies with other enums, a dynamic display is possible to allow the server to query live the database before showing the values to the user.
In this case, you must define the SQL Select Statement for prompted restriction
This dedicated SQL can contain the keyword '{EnumFilter}' to specify the text typed by the user and/or '{EnumValues_<OtherEnumName>}' to use the values checked for another enumerated list.
Filter on the name of the product
1 2 3 | SELECT DISTINCT ProductID, ProductName FROM Products WHERE ProductName LIKE '%{EnumFilter}%' ORDER BY 2 |
List of customers of selected countries
Build the list of customers only when countries are selected first.This works only if both Customers and Countries are restrictions in the report.
1 2 3 | SELECT DISTINCT City FROM Customers WHERE Country in ({EnumValues_Country}) ORDER BY 1 |
Dynamic Display Samples
Live Sample: 09-Enumerated List - Dynamic DisplayThis report shows how the 'Product Name' prompted list depends on the choice of a 'Product Category'.
The report contains also a custom enumerated list named to search the product name with characters. Live Sample: 02-LINQ/210-Enumerated List LINQ - Dynamic Display
This report contains two Enumerated Lists defined by
with a LINQ Source.
LINQ Data Sources
A LINQ Data Source can provide data that cannot be queried from a SQL database engine.
The Seal engine generates dynamically a LINQ query including the elements selected, the restrictions and the joins involved.
Depending on the data fetched, it may require advanced C#/.Net skills.
No SQL Table
A LINQ Data Source contains No SQL Tables based on the templates defined in the repository.
A No SQL table is then defined with a Definition Script
to insert the columns in the main table and the Load script
to load the data.
Once the table is defined, the columns can be used in report models as normal columns coming from a database.
The scripts manage a .Net DataTable Object.
Restrictions are handled in the server by using filter capacities of the DataTable.
Table Templates
Mongo DB, Adomd OLAP MDX, CSV, Excel, HTTPCLient JSON, XML, RSS are template files defined in /Sources/TableTemplates Repository sub-folder.By default use the Generic template.
Just add your own template in this folder.
Joins and Table Links
Like in SQL, Joins can be defined between tables using a dedicated Join clause
coded in C#.
This clause will be used by the engine to generate the LINQ query when several tables are involved.
In addition to No SQL Tables, a LINQ Data Source can have Table Links that reference tables defined in other SQL or LINQ Data Sources installed in the Repository.
Joins can then be defined using the Tables referenced by the Table Link.
In the LINQ Query, elements defined in a No SQL table are named with the Table Name and the Column Name (
Join Script Sample
Example of aJoin clause
between Northwind tables and an Excel Sheet table.
1 2 3 | new {x1=Helper.ToString(Northwind[ "Employees.LastName" ]), x2=((DateTime)Northwind[ "DATETIME2FROMPARTS(year(Orders.OrderDate),1,1,0,0,0,0,0)" ]).Year} equals new {x1=Helper.ToString(ExcelEmployeeObjective[ "employee" ]), x2=Int32.Parse(ExcelEmployeeObjective[ "year" ].ToString()) } |
LINQ Source Samples
Live Sample: 02-LINQ/200-LINQ Source - Excel and CSV SourcesThis report one new LINQ SQL Source with 2 No SQL Tables: One loaded from an Excel Sheet, one from a CSV file.
Repository Data Source Sample: LINQ Sources
This source contains several No SQL Tables based on the Table Templates available.
The table XML RSS News shows how to read RSS BBC Feeds to fill the DataTable.
Definition Script
property of the table.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 | @ using System.Data @{ MetaTable metaTable = Model; DataTable table = new DataTable(); //Define the table columns table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Id" , typeof ( string ))); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Date" , typeof (DateTime))); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Title" , typeof ( string ))); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Summary" , typeof ( string ))); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Link" , typeof ( string ))); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "Categories" , typeof ( string ))); table.Columns.Add( new DataColumn( "TitleWithLink" , typeof ( string ))); metaTable.NoSQLTable = table; } |
Load script
property of the table.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 | @ using System.Data @ using System.Text @ using System.Collections @ using System.Web @ using System.Xml @ using System.ServiceModel.Syndication @{ //Just feed the table from the RSS data MetaTable metaTable = Model; DataTable table = metaTable.NoSQLTable; var url = metaTable.GetValue( "rss_url" ); metaTable.LogMessage( "Loading RSS feed from {0}" , url); var reader = XmlReader.Create(url); var feed = SyndicationFeed.Load(reader); foreach (var item in feed.Items) { string link = item.Links.Count > 0 ? item.Links[0].Uri.AbsoluteUri : "" ; string categories = "" ; foreach (var category in item.Categories) { categories += category.Name + ";" ; } string titleWithLink = string .Format( "<a href=" {0} " target=" _blank ">{1}</a>" , link, HttpUtility.HtmlEncode(item.Title.Text)); //Values must match the table definition table.Rows.Add(item.Id, item.PublishDate.DateTime, item.Title.Text, item.Summary.Text, link, categories, titleWithLink); } metaTable.LogMessage( "{0} record(s) loaded" , table.Rows.Count); } |
Mongo DB Support
A dedicated Connection Type and Connection String
has been implemented to handle queries on Mongo DB.
Once the connection setup in the LINQ Data Source, Mongo DB tables can be defined using the Mongo DB Table template.
A collection name and several parameters (like the name of an array to unwind) allow to define the table.
If a Mongo DB table is involved in a model, the report engine generates automatically the Mongo DB Stages Script
of the table to apply elements and restrictions at the database server level.
This script will be executed before the Load Script
and can be customized if the flag Generate Mongo DB Stages
is set to False.
Mongo DB Samples
Live Sample: 02-LINQ/220-Mongo DB - Customer sales per yearLive Sample: 02-LINQ/221-Mongo DB - Customer sales detail
Live Sample: 02-LINQ/222-Mongo DB - Movies search
Live Sample: 02-LINQ/223-Mongo DB - Movies - Northwind
These reports demonstrate how to query and aggregate several tables.
Repository Data Source Sample: Mongo DB
This source contains several Mongo DB Tables based on the demonstration database.
The table movies defines the sample_mflix.movies collection of the database.
The related table movies_cast is defined to show the cast array of the collection.
A Join clause has been defined between the 2 tables:
1 | Helper.ToString(movies[ "_id" ]) equals Helper.ToString(moviescasts[ "_id" ]) |
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Want to share your experience or to add a new topic ? Something is not clear in the documentation ? Do you have an interesting recipe ?As the site for the documentation is part of the solution, you are welcome to Pull a Request at GitHub.
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Do you have a translation file not yet supported by Seal Report ?As the translations are part of the project, feel free to Pull a Request at GitHub.
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You are also welcome to help us in several different areas:- Beta testing.
- Libraries of Data Sources and Reports on standard databases.
- Additional View templates.
- New features development.