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ReportRestriction Properties

The ReportRestriction type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAggregateFunction Aggregate function applied to the Data element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyAllowAPI If True, the restriction can be modified through the Web API, even if the restriction is not prompted.
Public propertyAllowedDisplayOperators List of operators to display
Public propertyAllowedOperators List of allowed operators for this restriction
Public propertyAxisUseValues For Numeric or Date Time axis, if true, the element values are used for the axis, otherwise axis values are linear. This feature does not work for all types of chart.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyCalculationOption For numeric Data elements, define calculation option applied on the element in the table
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyCaseSensitive If True, the restriction text is case sensitive in the LINQ where clause.
Public propertyCategory Category used to display the column in the Report Designer tree view. Category hierarchy can be defined using the '/' character (e.g. 'Master/Name1/Name2').
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyCellScript If not empty, the script is executed to calculate custom cell value and CSS
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyChartJSSerie Definition of the serie for the element in the Chart JS chart
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyColumnName Returns the SQL column name without prefix
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyContainsHtml If True, the value contains HTML tags.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyCssClass CSS Classes applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table. Bootstrap classes may be used.
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyCssClassEl CSS Classes applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table. Bootstrap classes may be used.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyCssStyle CSS Styles applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table. Bootstrap classes may be used.
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyCssStyleEl CSS Styles applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyCssTitle If True, the CSS Styles and Classes are also applied to the cell titles.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyDate1 Value used for the restriction (DateTime)
Public propertyDate1Keyword Date1 Keyword value
Public propertyDate2 Second value used for the restriction (DateTime)
Public propertyDate2Keyword Date2 Keyword value
Public propertyDate3 Third value used for the restriction (DateTime)
Public propertyDate3Keyword Date3 Keyword value
Public propertyDate4 Fourth value used for the restriction (DateTime)
Public propertyDate4Keyword Date4 Keyword value
Public propertyDateTimeStandardFormat Standard display format applied to the element
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyDateTimeStandardFormatRe Standard display format applied to the restriction display value
Public propertyDisplayName Name used to display the column in the Report Designer tree view and in the report results
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyDisplayName2 Display name used to sort the TreeView
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyDisplayNameEl Name of the element when displayed in result tables or restrictions
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyDisplayNameElTranslated Name of the element translated
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyDisplayNameWithModel Name of the element with the model name
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyDisplayOrder The order number used to sort the column in the tree view (by table and by category)
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyDisplayOrderRE Sort order used for the display of the prompted restrictions when the report is executed.
Public propertyDisplayRestriction Display text of the restriction (value only)
Public propertyDisplayRestrictionForEditor Display text of the restriction (for editor)
Public propertyDisplayText Display text of the full restriction (label and value)
Public propertyDisplayValue1 Final display value 1
Public propertyDisplayValue2 Final display value 2
Public propertyDisplayValue3 Final display value 3
Public propertyDisplayValue4 Final display value 4
Public propertyDoubleValue Value as a double?
Public propertyDrillChildren Defines the child columns to navigate from this column with the drill feature
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyDrillUpOnlyIfDD If true, Drill Up is activated only if a drill down occured
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyEmptyRepeated IIf true, column values are not repeated if they have the same values.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyEnum Enumerated list if the column has an EnumGUID
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyEnumDisplayValue String containing all the enumerated values with their display labels
Public propertyEnumEL Final enumerated list of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyEnumGUID If defined, a list of values is proposed when the column is used for restrictions
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyEnumGUIDEL If defined, the enumerated list is used for the display and for sorting
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyEnumGUIDRE If defined, the restriction values are selected using the enumerated list
Public propertyEnumLayout Layout of the restriction for the values of the enumerated list: Either a select list or buttons (for a small number of values).
Public propertyEnumLINQValue String containing the LINQ values of the enum values
Public propertyEnumRE The final enumerated list of the restriction
Public propertyEnumSQLValue String containing the SQL values of the enum values
Public propertyEnumValue Helper to edit the enumerated values
Public propertyEnumValues Enumerated values for the restriction
Public propertyError Last error message
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyFinalCssClass CSS Classes applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyFinalCssStyle CSS Style applied to the cell values of the result HTML Table.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyFinalDate1 Final Date Time value 1
Public propertyFinalDate2 Final Date Time value 2
Public propertyFinalDate3 Final Date Time value 3
Public propertyFinalDate4 Final Date Time value 4
Public propertyFinalSort Final sort as integer (without ASC or DESC)
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyFinalSortOrder Final sort order of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyFirstDateValue First Date Time value
Public propertyFirstNumericValue First numeric value
Public propertyFirstSelection If set, the values are selected for the first report execution: All values, first or last value. This may be used for dynamic list.
Public propertyFirstStringValue First string value
Public propertyFirstValue First restriction value
Public propertyForceAggregate If Yes, it indicates that the element is an aggregate even it is set in a dimension (Page/Row/Column). By default, the metacolumn flag 'Is aggregate' is used. This flag impacts the build of the GROUP BY Clause.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyFormat If not empty, specify the format of the elements values displayed in the result tables (.Net Format Strings)
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyFormatEl Final format of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyFormatRe If not empty, specify the format of the restriction display values (.Net Format Strings)
Public propertyFullDisplayName Full display name
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyGUID The unique identifier
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyHasTime True if the column is a DateTime displaying time
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHasTimeEl True is the element has a time format
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyHasTimeRe True if the restriction has time
Public propertyHasValue True if the restriction has a value
Public propertyHasValue1 True if the restriction has a value 1
Public propertyHasValue2 True if the restriction has a value 2
Public propertyHasValue3 True if the restriction has a value 3
Public propertyHasValue4 True if the restriction has a value 4
Public propertyHelperAddSubReport Editor Helper: Add an existing Sub-Report to this column
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHelperCheckColumn Editor Helper: Check the column SQL statement in the database
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHelperCreateDrillDates Editor Helper: Create automatically a 'Year' column and a 'Month' column to drill down to the date
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHelperCreateEnum Editor Helper: Click to create an enumerated list from this table column
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHelperCreateSubReport Editor Helper: Create a Sub-Report to display the detail of this table
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHelperOpenSubReportFolder Editor Helper: Open the Sub-Report folder in Windows Explorer
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHelperShowValues Editor Helper: Show the first 1000 values of the column
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyHtmlIndex Helper to build the HTML index
Public propertyInformation Last information message ther column has been checked
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyInputDateFormat Input date time format for the restriction
Public propertyInputRows If greater than 0, specifies the number of lines available to edit the first restriction value (only valid for text or numeric when the restriction is prompted)
Public propertyInputRows1 Number of lines for the first input
Public propertyInsertPosition The position in Page, Row, Column, Data of the element inserted if the model is used as a reference model. A value of 0 means to add the element at the end. A negative value can be specified to indicate the position from the last element (e.g. -1 means the position before the last element).
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsAggregate Must be True if the column contains SQL aggregate functions like SUM,MIN,MAX,COUNT,AVG
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyIsAggregateEl True if the element definition contains already the aggregate
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsBetweenOperator True is the operator is Between (or Not)
Public propertyIsCommonRestrictionValue True is the element is a common restriction
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsContainAllAnyOperator True is the operator is Contain All or Any
Public propertyIsContainOperator True is the operator is Contain (or Not),Starts, Ends
Public propertyIsCount True if the element has a Count or Count Distinct aggregate
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsDateTime True if the element is for Date Time values
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsEnum True if the element has an enumerated list
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsEnumRE True is the restriction is an enumerated list
Public propertyIsGreaterSmallerOperator True is the operator is Greater or Smaller
Public propertyIsInputValue True if the restriction is an input value
Public propertyIsNoSQL True if the source is No SQL
Public propertyIsNotAggregate True is the lement is not an aggregate
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsNumeric True if the element is for numeric values
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsSerie True is the element defines a Serie
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsSorted True if the element is sorted
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyIsSQL True if the source is a standard SQL source
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyIsText True if the element is for text values
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyLINQColumnName LINQ Select Column name of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyLINQSelectColumnName LINQ Select Column name of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyLINQText LINQ of the restriction
Public propertyMetaColumn The MetaColumn of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyMetaColumnGUID GUID of the MetaColumn of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyMetaEnumValuesEL List of values of the element enum
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyMetaEnumValuesRE List of values of the restriction enum
Public propertyMetaTable Current MetaTable of the column
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyModel Current model
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyMongoText LINQ of the restriction
Public propertyName The name of the column in the table or the SQL Statement used for the column
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyNavigationScript Optional Razor Script executed if script navigation links have been added in the CellScript
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyNumericStandardFormat Standard display format applied to the element
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyNumericStandardFormatRe Standard display format applied to the restriction display value
Public propertyNvd3Serie Definition of the serie for the element in the NVD3 chart
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyOperator The Operator used for the restriction. If Value Only is selected, the restriction is replaced by the value only (with no column name and operator).
Public propertyOperatorHtmlId Html identifier for the restriction operator
Public propertyOperatorLabel If not empty, overwrite the operator display text
Public propertyOperatorStyle How the element name and restriction operator is displayed or not.
Public propertyOptionHtmlId Html identifier for the restriction option (for enumerated list)
Public propertyOptionValueHtmlId Html identifier for the restriction option value (for enumerated list)
Public propertyPattern Return the pattern text for the restriction
Public propertyPivotPosition Position of the element in the Cross Table: Row, Column, Page or Data
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyPlaceHolder Short hint that describes the expected value of the input field.
Public propertyPlotlySerie Definition of the serie for the element in the Plotly chart
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyPrompt Define if the value of the restriction is prompted to the user when the report is executed
Public propertyPromptedEnumValues List of prompted enum values
Public propertyRawDisplayName Display name of the MetaColumn
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyRawLINQColumnName LINQ Select Column name of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyRawSQLColumn SQL of the MetaColumn
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyReport Current report
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyRequired If true and the restriction is prompted, a value is required to execute the report
Public propertyScottPlotSerie Definition of the serie for the element in the Chart JS chart
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySerieDefinition Defines how the element is used in the chart. Row or Column elements can be either Axis or Splitter (to create a serie for each splitter value).
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySerieSortOrder Defines if the serie is sorted ascending or descending in the chart
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySerieSortType Defines how the serie is sorted in the chart
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySetNullToZero If Yes, empty cells are set to 0.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyShowAllEnums If Yes, all the values defined in the enumerated list will be shown in the tables, even if the value is not the database Result Set.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyShowName Control of the OperatorStyle dedicated for Input Values or Common Restrictions
Public propertyShowSubTotals If true, a line showing sub-totals is added to the main data table when the value of the element changes
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyShowTotal For Data elements, add a row or a column showing the total of the element in the table. 'Show only total' means that the columns containing the values of the element will be hidden in the table, only the column containing the total of the element is displayed.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySortOrder Sort order in the result tables. Page elements are sorted first, then Row, Column and Data elements.
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySource Current MetaSource
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertySQL If not empty, overwrite the default SQL used for the restriction in the WHERE clause
Public propertySQLColumn Final SQL of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySQLColumnName SQL Column name of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertySQLText SQL of the restriction
Public propertySubReports Defines sub-reports to navigate from this column
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyTag Tag used to define the security of the Web Report Designer (Columns of the Security Groups defined in the Web Security)
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyTotalAggregateFunction Aggregate function applied for the totals
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyTriggerExecution If set, the values are selected for the first report execution: All values, first or last value. This may be used for dynamic list.
Public propertyType
(Inherited from MetaColumn)
Public propertyTypeEd Data type of the column
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyTypeEl Final type of the element
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyTypeRe Data type of the restriction
Public propertyValue1 Value used for the restriction. Multiple values can be set (one per line).
Public propertyValue2 Second value used for the restriction
Public propertyValue3 Third value used for the restriction
Public propertyValue4 Fourth value used for the restriction
Public propertyValueHtmlId Html identifier for the restriction value
Public propertyXAxisType Not used (FUTURE). Definition of the X axis of the serie (Primary or Secondary).
(Inherited from ReportElement)
Public propertyYAxisType Definition of the Y axis of the serie (Primary or Secondary)
(Inherited from ReportElement)
See Also