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SecurityGroup Properties

The SecurityGroup type exposes the following members.

Public propertyColumns For the Web Report Designer: Columns rights for the group. Set rights to columns through the security tags or categories assigned. By default, all columns can be selected.
Public propertyConnections For the Web Report Designer: Connections rights for the group. Set rights to connections through their names. By default, all connections can be selected.
Public propertyCulture The culture used for users belonging to the group. If empty, the default culture is used.
Public propertyDevices For the Web Report Designer: Device rights for the group. Set rights to devices through their names. By default, all devices can be selected.
Public propertyEditProfile Web Report Server: If true, the user can edit his profile (default culture, startup report, etc.).
Public propertyExecutionMode Web Report Server: Define if reports are executed in a new window or in the same window by default.
Public propertyFolderDetailScript Optional script executed to define/modify the reports published in the Web Report Server for a given folder. If the user belongs to several groups, scripts are executed sequentially sorted by group name.
Public propertyFolders The folder configurations for this group used for Web Publication of reports. By default, repository folders have no right.
Public propertyFoldersScript Optional script executed to define/modify the folders published in the Web Report Server. If the user belongs to several groups, scripts are executed sequentially sorted by group name.
Public propertyLogoName The logo file name used for to generate the reports. If empty, the default logo is used.
Public propertyMenuScript Optional script executed to define/modify the reports menu of the Web Report Server. If the user belongs to several groups, scripts are executed sequentially sorted by group name.
Public propertyName The security group name
Public propertyOnStartup Web Report Server: The action to take after the user logs in.
Public propertyPersFolderRight Define the right of the dedicated personal folder for each user of the group
Public propertyShowAllFolders If true, parent folder with no rights are also shown in the tree view
Public propertyShowFoldersView If true, the folders view of the reports is shown
Public propertySources For the Web Report Designer: Data sources rights for the group. Set rights to data source through their names. By default, all sources can be selected.
Public propertySqlModel For the Web Report Designer: If true, SQL Models and Custom SQL for elements or restrictions can be edited through the Web Report Designer.
Public propertyStartupReport Web Report Server: If the startup option is 'Execute a specific report', the relative report path to execute when the user logs in (e.g. '/Samples/40-Startup Report.srex').
Public propertyStartupReportName Web Report Server: Optional report name when the 'Report executed on startup' is set.).
Public propertyWeight Weight to select the default group when a user belongs to several groups. The options of the group having the highest weight are applied to the user.
See Also