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ResultTotalCell Fields

The ResultTotalCell type exposes the following members.

Public fieldCells List of ResultCell
Public fieldContextCol For cell script execution: current ResultTable
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldContextModel For cell script execution: current ReportModel
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldContextPage For cell script execution: current ResultPage
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldContextRow For cell script execution: current ResultTable
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldContextTable For cell script execution: current ResultTable
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldDateMax Date Min and Max after calculations
Public fieldDateMin Date Min and Max after calculations
Public fieldDateSum Date sum after claculations
Public fieldElement The ReportElement of the element model
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldFinalCssClass If not empty, the css class is used for the cell
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldFinalCssStyle If not empty, the css style is used for the cell
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldFinalValue If not empty, the value is used for the cell
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldIsSerie True if the cell is for a serie
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldIsSubTotal True if the cell is for a sub total
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldIsTitle True if the cell is for a title
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldIsTotal True if the cell is for a total
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldIsTotalTotal True if the cell is for the total of totals
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldMax Sum, Min, Max after claculations
Public fieldMin Sum, Min, Max after claculations
Public fieldSubReportValues Values used for sub report navigation
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldSum Sum, Min, Max after claculations
Public fieldTag Custom Tag the can be used at execution time to store any object
(Inherited from ResultCell)
Public fieldValue The object value of the cell
(Inherited from ResultCell)
See Also