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SealServerConfiguration Properties

The SealServerConfiguration type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlternateTempDirectory If set, the directory is used instead of the standard Temp directory for compiling Razor Scripts and generating report results.
Public propertyApplicationKeys Keys or passwords used in the application (report and tasks). Values are encrypted using the encryption mode.
Public propertyAuditEnabled If true, the Audit script is executed for the following events: login, logout, report execution and management, folder management, file management.
Public propertyAuditScript If set, the script is executed to log events. The default implementation is to insert a record into a database table.
Public propertyCommonScripts List of scripts added to all scripts executed during a report execution (including tasks). This may be useful to defined common functions for the reports. To include the script, an @Include("common script name") directive must be inserted at the beginning of the script.
Public propertyCommonScriptsHeader All common scripts
Public propertyCssFiles Additional CSS files to be included in the HTML report result. One per line or separated by semi-column.
Public propertyCsvSeparator If not specified in the report, separator used for the CSV template
Public propertyDateSeparator If set, overrides the Date Separator for dates of the current culture
Public propertyDateTimeFormat The date time format used for date time column having the default format
Public propertyDefaultCulture The name of the culture used for the user session. It defines the language and the number and date formats. If not specified, the current culture of the server is used.
Public propertyEncryptionMode Storage and encryption mode of encryption keys used for Passwords, SendGrid Keys and Application Keys/Passwords. If Machine RSA Container is chosen, only the users of the machine will have access to the keys. If User RSA Container is chosen, only the Windows User will have access to the keys. Warning: You must retype the used password after changing mode or key values.
Public propertyFileReplacePatterns List of strings to replace when the report result is generated in a single HTML file (case of View Report Result or Output generation). This allow to specify the new font location in a CSS.
Public propertyGUID The unique identifier
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyHasLogo True if a logo is defined and exists
Public propertyHostForPersonalFolder If true, the User Personal Folder (located in the 'SpecialFolders\\Personal' repository sub-folder) containing the profile and personal files is built with the host name. This allows multiple Web sites on the same installation.
Public propertyInitScript If set, the script is executed when a report is initialized for an execution. Default values for report execution can be set here.
Public propertyInstallationDirectory Installation directory
Public propertyIsLocal If true, the programs will not access to Internet for external resources. All JavaScript's will be loaded locally (no use of CDN path).
Public propertyKeyValues If default mode is chosen, the key values used by the server for different operations (e.g. for encrypting/decrypting connection password, SMTP or FTP passwords).
Public propertyLogDays Number of days of log files to keep in the repository 'Logs' subfolder. If 0, the log feature is disabled.
Public propertyLogoFilePath Logo file path from the repository
Public propertyLogoName The logo file name used by the report templates
Public propertyName The name
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyNumberDecimalSeparator If set, overrides the Decimal Separator for numbers of the current culture
Public propertyNumberGroupSeparator If set, overrides the Group Separator for numbers of the current culture
Public propertyNumericFormat The numeric format used for numeric column having the default format
Public propertyOuterProcess If true and the scheduler in executed in Service, Worker or Web Server, schedules is executed in an outer process forked by the initiator process. If false, the schedule is executed in a dedicated thread of the initiator.
Public propertyPdfServer If the client library is used, the HTML to PDF server IP or name.
Public propertyPdfServerPort If the client library is used, the HTML to PDF server IP or name.
Public propertyPdfServicePassword If the client library is used, optional HTML to PDF converter service password.
Public propertyPdfUseClient If true, the client library is used to perform the HTML to PDF conversion (mainly useful for non-Windows or Azure installation). This requires the installation of the HTML to PDF Server on a Windows machine or on Azur Services.
Public propertyPdfUseWebService If true, the client library will call the Web service instead of the TCP service to perform the HTML to PDF conversion.
Public propertyPdfWebServiceURL If the client library is used, the HTML to PDF web service URL.
Public propertyReportCreationScript If set, the script is executed when a new report is created. Default values for report creation can be set here.
Public propertyReportFormats List of report format allowed in view result. If empty, all formats are taken.
Public propertyRepositoryTranslationsScript If set, the script is executed when the repository translations are loaded. This allows to load dynamically translations from a database or any source.
Public propertySchedulerMode How the Report Scheduler is started on the server. Windows Task Scheduler (Windows only), Windows Service (Windows only, requires the service installation) or Worker (All platforms), Web Server (All platforms, requires to keep the Web Server up).
Public propertyScriptFiles Additional JavaScript files to be included in the HTML report result. One per line or separated by semi-column.
Public propertyTaskFolderName Name of the Task Scheduler folder containing the schedules of the reports if the Windows Task Scheduler is used
Public propertyTimeSeparator If set, overrides the Time Separator for times of the current culture
Public propertyWebApplicationName The name of the IIS Web application. Use '/' to publish on 'Default Web Site'
Public propertyWebApplicationPoolName The name of the IIS Application pool used by the web application
Public propertyWebCssFiles Additional CSS files to be included in the Web Report Server application. One per line or separated by semi-column.
Public propertyWebCultures List of cultures available in the user profile of the Web Report Server. If nothing is selected, the translation cultures installed in the repository are proposed by default.
Public propertyWebHelpLink Optional Help link for the Web Report Server
Public propertyWebProductName The name of the product displayed on the Web site
Public propertyWebPublicationDirectory The directory were the web site files are published
Public propertyWebScriptFiles Additional JavaScript files to be included in the Web Report Server application. One per line or separated by semi-column.
Public propertyWebSessionInitScript If set, the script is executed when a report is initialized for an execution. Default values for report execution can be set here.
See Also