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MetaTable Properties

The MetaTable type exposes the following members.

Public propertyAlias If not empty, table alias name used in the SQL statement. The table alias is necessary if a SQL Statement is specified.
Public propertyAliasName Alias name of the table
Public propertyCacheDuration Duration in seconds to keep the result DataTable in cache after a load. If 0, the table is always reloaded.
Public propertyColumns List of MetColumn defined for the table
Public propertyDefaultDefinitionInitScript Default definition init script coming either from the template or from the root table (for a subtable)
Public propertyDefaultDefinitionScript Default definition script coming either from the template or from the root table (for a subtable)
Public propertyDefaultLoadScript Default load script coming either from the template or from the root table (for a subtable)
Public propertyDefinitionInitScript Optional Razor Script executed before the execution of the DefinitionScript
Public propertyDefinitionScript The Razor Script used to built the DataTable object that defines the table
Public propertyDisplayName Display name including the type
Public propertyDynamicColumns If true, columns are generated automatically from the Table Name or the SQL Select Statement by reading the database catalog
Public propertyError Last error message
Public propertyFullDisplayName Display name including the type and the source name
Public propertyFullSQLName Full SQL name of the table
Public propertyGUID The unique identifier
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyHelperCheckTable Editor Helper: Check the table definition
Public propertyHelperRefreshColumns Editor Helper: Create or update dynamic columns for this table
Public propertyIgnorePrePostError If true, errors occuring during the Pre or Post SQL statements are ignored and the execution continues
Public propertyInformation Last information message
Public propertyIsForSQLModel True if the table is for a SQL Model
Public propertyIsMongoDb True if the table is for a Mongo DB
Public propertyIsSQL True if the source containing the table is a standard SQL source
Public propertyIsSubTable True if the table is a sub-table of a model
Public propertyKeepColumnNames "If true, the display names of the columns are kept when generated from the source SQL
Public propertyLINQExpressionName LINQ expression of the table name
Public propertyLINQResultName Name of the DataTable LINQ Result: Source name for SQL, table name for No SQL
Public propertyLINQSourceGUID Source GUID for the LINQ Sub-models
Public propertyLoadScript The Default Razor Script used to load the data in the table. This can be overwritten in the model.
Public propertyMongoStagesScript Razor Script executed for Mongo DB table to add stages executed on the server before the load. This script is automatically generated from the model definition. It can be overwritten if the 'Generate Mongo DB stages' parameter of the table is set to false. Use the 'Refresh Sub-Models and Sub-Tables' button in the model to generate and view the script.
Public propertyMustRefresh If true, the table must be refreshed for dynamic columns
Public propertyName Name of the table in the database. The name can be empty if an SQL Statement is specified.
(Overrides RootComponentName)
Public propertyParameters List of Table Parameters
Public propertyPostSQL SQL Statement executed after the query when the table is involved. The statement may contain Razor script if it starts with '@'.
Public propertyPreSQL SQL Statement executed before the query when the table is involved. The statement may contain Razor script if it starts with '@'.
Public propertySource Current MetaSource
Public propertySql SQL Select Statement executed to define the table. If empty, the table name is used.
Public propertyTableTemplate 
Public propertyTemplateName The Razor Script used to built the DataTable object that defines the table
Public propertyType Type of the table got from database catalog
Public propertyWhereSQL Additional SQL added in the WHERE clause when the table is involved in a query. The text may contain Razor script if it starts with '@'.
See Also