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MetaConnection Properties

The MetaConnection type exposes the following members.

Public propertyClearPassword Password in clear text
Public propertyCommandTimeout "Default Timeout in seconds for the SQL Statements executed. 0 means no Timeout.
Public propertyConnectionScript If set, script executed to instanciate and open the connection
Public propertyConnectionString OLE DB Connection string used to connect to the database if the connection type is OLE DB
Public propertyConnectionType The type of the connection used
Public propertyDatabaseType The type of the source database
Public propertyDateTimeFormat The date time format used to build date restrictions in the SQL WHERE clauses. This is not used for MS Access database (Serial Dates).
Public propertyEndDelimiter 
Public propertyError Last error message
Public propertyFullConnectionString Full Connection String (Oledb, Odbc, MSSQLServer, MongoDB, Oracle, MySQL) with user name and password
Public propertyGUID The unique identifier
(Inherited from RootComponent)
Public propertyHelperCheckConnection Editor Helper: Check the database connection
Public propertyInformation Last information message when the enum list has been refreshed
Public propertyMongoDBConnectionString Mongo DB Connection string used to connect to the database if the connection type is Mongo DB
Public propertyMSSqlServerConnectionString MS SQLServer Connection string used to connect to the database if the connection type is MS SQLServer
Public propertyMySQLConnectionString MySQL Connection string used to connect to the database if the connection type is MySQL
Public propertyName The name of the connection
(Overrides RootComponentName)
Public propertyOdbcConnectionString ODBC Connection string used to connect to the database if the connection type is ODBC
Public propertyOracleConnectionString Oracle Connection string used to connect to the database if the connection type is Oracle
Public propertyPassword Password
Public propertyStartDelimiter 
Public propertyUserName User name used to connect to the database
See Also