I have a previous report that I want to convert into SEAL Reporting tool, This report has three SELECT statements that make up the data I require for my report.
How do I create a number of Select Statements in one report using SEAL?
Please see the example below
SELECT CASE WHEN UPPER(parent_source) != "" THEN UPPER(parent_source) ELSE "NO PARENT SOURCE" end as 'Parent Source',
CONCAT(sales_person_first_name , ' ' , P1.Sales_person_surname) as 'Agent',
agent_id as 'Agent ID' ,
(CASE WHEN joint_first_name != '' AND joint_surname != '' THEN CONCAT(customer_first_name , ' ' , customer_surname , ' AND ' , joint_first_name , ' ' , joint_surname )
ELSE CONCAT(customer_first_name , ' ' , customer_surname ) END) as 'Customer Name' ,
customer_address_1 as 'Customer Address 1',
DATE_FORMAT(signup_date , "%d/%m/%Y") as 'Signed up Date' , DATE_FORMAT(installation_date, "%d/%m/%Y") as 'Other Date',
"Installed" as 'Status',
"" as "Notes",
"Installed Customer" as 'Sale Type' ,
sales_team_name as 'Sales Team',
1 as "count",
week(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day),3) as 'Week number',
source AS "Source",
DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day) , "%d/%m/%Y") as 'Run Date'
WHERE `status` = 'Active'
and liberty_meter_number != ''
AND installation_date != "0000-00-00 00:00:00"
and customer_first_name != 'Voxpro'
AND DATE(installation_date) = DATE(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day))
SELECT CASE WHEN UPPER(parent_source) != "" THEN UPPER(parent_source) ELSE "NO PARENT SOURCE" end as 'Parent Source', customer_id,
CONCAT(P1_Sales.sales_person_first_name , ' ' , P1_SALES.sales_person_surname) as 'Agent' ,
agent_id as 'Agent ID',
(CASE WHEN joint_first_name != '' AND joint_surname != '' THEN CONCAT(customer_first_name , ' ' , customer_surname , ' AND ' , joint_first_name , ' ' , joint_surname )
ELSE CONCAT(customer_first_name , ' ' , customer_surname ) END) as 'Customer Name',
customer_address_1 as 'Customer Address 1' ,
DATE_FORMAT(signup_date , "%d/%m/%Y") as 'Signed up Date' ,
DATE_FORMAT(cancellation_date , "%d/%m/%Y") as 'Other Date',
(CASE WHEN `status` = 'Inactive' THEN "Cancelled" ELSE `status` END) as 'Status',
CONCAT(cancellation_reason, ' - ', cancellation_reason_other) as "Notes",
"Cancelled Customer" as 'Sale Type',
sales_team_name as 'Sales Team',
1 as "count",
week(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day),3) as 'Week number',
source AS "Source",
DATE_FORMAT(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day) , "%d/%m/%Y") as 'Run Date'
WHERE `status` = 'Inactive'
and customer_first_name != 'Voxpro'
AND DATE(cancellation_date) = DATE(DATE_SUB(NOW(),INTERVAL 1 day))