Thanks epf.
Regarding NVD3 issue, I think the problem is not the web browser. I've checked the report with Edge, IE, Firefox and Chrome, and the result is the same. I've used NVD3 because I need to use stacked area series, and the implementation of ChartJS doesn't include this kind of charts.
Regarding the sort problem, I don't think the problem is related with cache. In one hand, the results were wrong from the first rendering. In fact, I had the sort disabled from the beginning. In the otherhand, the values are completelly disordered. It's a table with 4 years rows (2019..2015), and the years are not ordered in any way. However, I've removed all the stateSave stuff and the problem still is.
I'll try to reproduce the error with Northwind and send to you.
Is this normal?
//pie chart
if (chartType == 'pieChart') {
.x(function (d) { return xLabels[d.x] })
.labelThreshold(.05) //Configure the minimum slice size for labels to show up
.labelType('percent') //Configure what type of data to show in the label. Can be key, value or percent
.donutRatio(0.35) //Configure how big you want the donut hole size to be
(@chartId).tooltip.valueFormatter(function (d) {
return YPrimaryValueFormatter(d);
//stacked area
---->!! else if (chartType == 'pieChart') {
(@chartId).interactiveLayer.tooltip.headerFormatter(function (d, i) {
return d;
Any alternative in the meanwhile?
Ok. It seems that is a general problem. I've check the same chart with ChartJS using line series with fill option enabled (that is similar to stacked line) and works ok in the designer but not in any browser. An important observation. In my case, the chart has two series and the axis are months. One serie is "Budget" and the other "Sales". In the designer, the series a in this order "Sales"-"Budget". But in the browsers the order is the opossite. I think it's important cause the problem now is that the bigger series covers the smaller one. The points are there (because yo can see the tooltip of both series) but the smallest serie is not shown, seems to be behind. May I have an email to send you image captures showing all these?
Edited by user Wednesday, May 22, 2019 11:50:41 AM(UTC)
| Reason: New inquiries