Hi there,
I rewrote this code to make it compatible with the last version of SealReport. And I added some error trapping.
I now need to work on it in the case of a pivot table on the data column, as many result columns could appear, and this would be the case as well in case of a drill-down, any ideas are welcome to make it easier to handle.
Another point I need to work on is a way to handle multi-level SubTotals.
@using Seal.Model
@using System.Data
ReportModel model = Model;
ReportExecutionLog log = model.Report;
//Final script executed to modify the model result tables after their generations
//Note that other assemblies can be used by saving the .dll in the Repository 'Assemblies' sub-folder...
log.LogMessage("Modifying result values with the 'Final Script'...");
ResultTable summaryTable = model.SummaryTable;
foreach (ResultPage page in model.Pages)
ResultTable dataTable = page.DataTable;
ResultTable pageTable = page.PageTable;
log.LogMessage("Data table:{0} lines, body start:{1}, body end:{2}", dataTable.Lines.Count, dataTable.BodyStartRow, dataTable.BodyEndRow);
ResultCell[] subTotalLine = null;
int i=dataTable.BodyStartRow;
int cols = dataTable.Lines[0].Length;
double sumAmount = 0;
string currentValue = "";
string breakValue = "";
int columnToWatch = 6;
// Column to watch
currentValue = dataTable.Lines[i][columnToWatch].DisplayValue;
breakValue = dataTable.Lines[i][columnToWatch].DisplayValue;
// Main loop on the data table
while (i <= dataTable.BodyEndRow)
// Catch the error values in the column to sum up
//try {
// log.LogMessage("Old key:'{0}', New key:'{1}', Current value:'{2}'", breakValue, currentValue, dataTable.Lines[i][cols-1].DoubleValue.Value);
//catch {
// log.LogMessage("Old key:'{0}', New key:'{1}', value on row '{2}' is null", breakValue, currentValue , i);
// If we have a break on the value to watch, or that the value became blank (last line)
if ( currentValue != breakValue || /* currentValue == "" */ i == dataTable.BodyEndRow) {
// Define the new line as a result cell with the right number of columns
var newSubTotalLine = new ResultCell[cols];
//Set all cells of the new line as 'IsTotal' ??
for (int j=0;j<cols;j++) {
newSubTotalLine[j] = new ResultCell() { IsSubTotal = true };
// Format the new line
// Add the text 'Subtotal'
newSubTotalLine[0].Value = "Subtotal";
newSubTotalLine[columnToWatch].Value = breakValue;
// Add the total values for the last x columns
newSubTotalLine[cols-1].Value = sumAmount;
// Set the CSS style as right aligned
newSubTotalLine[cols-1].FinalCssStyle = "text-align:center;";
// Add some logging as Debugger
//log.LogMessage("subTotalLine:'{0}'", sumAmount);
if (sumAmount != null) {
//log.LogMessage("Old value:'{0}', New value:'{1}', SubTotals:{2}", breakValue, currentValue, sumAmount);
dataTable.Lines.Insert(i, newSubTotalLine);
// Assign the new value for our loop
breakValue = currentValue;
//Reset the Sum value to the current line
try {
sumAmount = dataTable.Lines[i][cols-1].DoubleValue.Value;
catch {
// do not sum up a null value
sumAmount = 0;
else {
// If we are not on a new line, add the current line value to the summed variable
try {
sumAmount += dataTable.Lines[i][cols-1].DoubleValue.Value;
catch {
// do not sum up a null value
// Column to watch
try {
currentValue = dataTable.Lines[i][columnToWatch].DisplayValue;
catch {
// Do nothing
log.LogMessage("Data table:{0} lines, body start:{1}, body end:{2}", dataTable.Lines.Count, dataTable.BodyStartRow, dataTable.BodyEndRow);