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Joined: 2/23/2016(UTC) Posts: 4
I have created a report, two data sources, twenty models so far. In the report designer everything is OK. The connections work, I see my reports when executed. Then I used the Server Manager as Administrator, and published the website to my localhost. The samples work, both Dashboard - Sales and Search - Orders. But not the report I created myself. The error seams to indicate that the problem is in the connection. First it shows Processing..., when I press CTRL+F5 it shows the actual error message. Code:
1:11:57 PM Error in model 'P_Last100TransactionResults': Unexpected error when executing the following SQL statement:
TransactionHundredResults.LoadTestRunId AS C0,
TransactionHundredResults.TransactionName AS C1,
Sum(TransactionHundredResults.Average) AS C2
FROM TransactionHundredResults
GROUP BY TransactionHundredResults.LoadTestRunId,TransactionHundredResults.TransactionName
ORDER BY TransactionHundredResults.LoadTestRunId ASC,TransactionHundredResults.TransactionName ASC,Sum(TransactionHundredResults.Average) ASC
Error detail:
Login failed for user '<Domain>\<MachineName>$'.
1:11:57 PM Error in model 'P_Last100PageResults': Unexpected error when executing the following SQL statement:
PageHundredResults.LoadTestRunId AS C0,
PageHundredResults.RequestUri AS C1,
Sum(PageHundredResults.Average) AS C2
FROM PageHundredResults
GROUP BY PageHundredResults.LoadTestRunId,PageHundredResults.RequestUri
ORDER BY PageHundredResults.LoadTestRunId ASC,PageHundredResults.RequestUri ASC,Sum(PageHundredResults.Average) ASC
Note the line with <Domain>\<MachineName>. There is no user MachineName in the domain, it should not be used. As a result, I can not give this user access to the MSSQL database. I tried a lot to make the ApplicationPool use another user, but that only results in different errors. For what I can find out, the user that should be used would be NT_AUTHORITY\SYSTEM or NETWORK. At least those I can give access to the database. The connection string is: Provider=SQLNCLI11.1;Integrated Security=SSPI;Persist Security Info=False;Initial Catalog=PerformanceAnalysis;Data Source=(local);Initial File Name="";Server SPN="" I have tried to use ODBC, but that had the same result. Best Regards, Albert P.S. Also, the report website does not work properly in Chrome and this form does not work properly in IE. Edited by user Tuesday, February 23, 2016 7:32:12 PM(UTC)
| Reason: Not specified
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Joined: 12/20/2013(UTC) Posts: 1,209 Thanks: 14 times Was thanked: 206 time(s) in 199 post(s)
Yes this is definetely a problem with the identity used by IIS to connect to the database as you have chosen the mssql integrated security... But I am surprised you get the error using the user system... Depending on your authentication mode, application pool identity and several options either in the pool or the web site, you have to understand which Windows user you should use... Other option is to create a pure Mssql user dedicated for seal report and you set the user name password in your datasource connection. You can also create a dedicated Windows user for the same goal. Good luck...
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Joined: 2/23/2016(UTC) Posts: 4
Thank you for your reply. You are right, it is purely authorization in SQL server. What complicates things is that I use views that in their turn pull their data from another server. So, once I have the login to the local database solved, then login to the linked server object is not solved. Using SQL Server authentication helps indeed. But, that brings its own problems. So, I will continue experimenting on this.
Rank: Newbie
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Joined: 2/23/2016(UTC) Posts: 4
I have it working now. I use a SQL server authenticated user on the local database and a SQL server authenticated user on the linked server.
One minor point. Given I am in the Data Link Properties dialog, when I select Allow saving password then the password is not saved and I have to reenter it in the Datasource configuration window.
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