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HomeController Class

Main Controller of the Web Report Server
Inheritance Hierarchy

Namespace: SealWebServer.Controllers
Assembly: SealWebServer (in SealWebServer.exe) Version:
public class HomeController : Controller

The HomeController type exposes the following members.

Public methodHomeControllerInitializes a new instance of the HomeController class
Public propertyAuthenticationConfig 
Public propertyControllerContext Gets or sets the ControllerContext.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyHttpContext Gets the HttpContext for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyMetadataProvider Gets or sets the IModelMetadataProvider.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyModelBinderFactory Gets or sets the IModelBinderFactory.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyModelState Gets the ModelStateDictionary that contains the state of the model and of model-binding validation.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyObjectValidator Gets or sets the IObjectModelValidator.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyProblemDetailsFactory Gets or sets the ProblemDetailsFactory.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyRequest Gets the HttpRequest for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyResponse Gets the HttpResponse for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyRouteData Gets the RouteData for the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyTempData Gets or sets ITempDataDictionary used by ViewResult.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public propertyUrl Gets or sets the IUrlHelper.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyUser Gets the ClaimsPrincipal for user associated with the executing action.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public propertyViewBag Gets the dynamic view bag.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public propertyViewData Gets or sets ViewDataDictionary used by ViewResult and ViewBag.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodAccepted Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAccepted(Object) Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAccepted(String) Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAccepted(Uri) Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAccepted(String, Object) Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAccepted(Uri, Object) Creates a AcceptedResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtAction(String) Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtAction(String, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtAction(String, String) Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtAction(String, Object, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtAction(String, String, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtAction(String, String, Object, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtActionResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtRoute(Object) Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtRoute(String) Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtRoute(Object, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtRoute(String, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodAcceptedAtRoute(String, Object, Object) Creates a AcceptedAtRouteResult object that produces an Status202Accepted response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodActionCancelReport Cancel a report execution
Public methodActionExecuteFromTrigger Execute a report and parse the views involved when triggered from a Restrictions View
Public methodActionExecuteFromTriggerNewWindow Execute a report in a new window when triggered from a Restrictions View
Public methodActionExecuteReport Execute a report initiated in a previous execution
Public methodActionGetEnumValues Return the list of values for a Enumerated list with a filter for a report execution
Public methodActionGetNavigationLinks Return the current Navigation links for a report execution
Public methodActionGetTableData Return the table data of a Page (for DataTables server Pagination)
Public methodActionNavigate Navigate to a new report execution: Either for Drill or SubReport
Public methodActionRefreshReport Refresh the report for a report execution
Public methodActionUpdateEnumValues Update values chosen for an Enum in a report execution
Public methodActionUpdateViewParameter Update the value of a view parameter of a report execution
Public methodBadRequest Creates an BadRequestResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodBadRequest(ModelStateDictionary) Creates an BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodBadRequest(Object) Creates an BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodChallenge Creates a ChallengeResult.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodChallenge(AuthenticationProperties) Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodChallenge(String) Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodChallenge(AuthenticationProperties, String) Creates a ChallengeResult with the specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodConflict Creates an ConflictResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodConflict(ModelStateDictionary) Creates an ConflictObjectResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodConflict(Object) Creates an ConflictObjectResult that produces a Status409Conflict response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodContent(String) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodContent(String, MediaTypeHeaderValue) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string and a contentType.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodContent(String, String) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string and a content type.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodContent(String, String, Encoding) Creates a ContentResult object by specifying a content string, a contentType, and contentEncoding.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreated Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreated(String, Object) Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreated(Uri, Object) Creates a CreatedResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreatedAtAction(String, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreatedAtAction(String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreatedAtAction(String, String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtActionResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreatedAtRoute(Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreatedAtRoute(String, Object) Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCreatedAtRoute(String, Object, Object) Creates a CreatedAtRouteResult object that produces a Status201Created response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodDispose
(Inherited from Controller)
Protected methodDispose(Boolean) Releases all resources currently used by this Controller instance.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodEqualsDetermines whether the specified object is equal to the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodFile(Byte, String) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, Boolean) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, String) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, Boolean) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, String) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, String) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, String, Boolean) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, String, Boolean) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Byte, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns a file with the specified fileContents as content (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(Stream, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns a file in the specified fileStream (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodFile(String, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns the file specified by virtualPath (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Protected methodFinalizeAllows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodForbid Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodForbid(AuthenticationProperties) Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodForbid(String) Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified authentication schemes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodForbid(AuthenticationProperties, String) Creates a ForbidResult (Status403Forbidden by default) with the specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodGetHashCodeServes as the default hash function.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodGetTypeGets the Type of the current instance.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodStatic memberGetWebUrl 
Public methodHtmlResultFile Return the Html result of a report execution as a file
Public methodJson(Object) Creates a JsonResult object that serializes the specified data object to JSON.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodJson(Object, Object) Creates a JsonResult object that serializes the specified data object to JSON.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodLocalRedirect Creates a LocalRedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found) to the specified local localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodLocalRedirectPermanent Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodLocalRedirectPermanentPreserveMethod Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodLocalRedirectPreserveMethod Creates a LocalRedirectResult object with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified localUrl.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodLogin 
Public methodMain Main entry of the Controller
Protected methodMemberwiseCloneCreates a shallow copy of the current Object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodNoContent Creates a NoContentResult object that produces an empty Status204NoContent response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodNotFound Creates an NotFoundResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodNotFound(Object) Creates an NotFoundObjectResult that produces a Status404NotFound response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodOk Creates a OkResult object that produces an empty Status200OK response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodOk(Object) Creates an OkObjectResult object that produces an Status200OK response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodOnActionExecuted Called after the action method is invoked.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodOnActionExecuting Called before the action method is invoked.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodOnActionExecutionAsync Called before the action method is invoked.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodOutputResult Return the result output of a report execution
Public methodPartialView Creates a PartialViewResult object that renders a partial view to the response.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodPartialView(Object) Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a model to be rendered by the partial view.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodPartialView(String) Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a viewName.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodPartialView(String, Object) Creates a PartialViewResult object by specifying a viewName and the model to be rendered by the partial view.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, String) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, String, Boolean) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK) with the specified contentType as the Content-Type and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), and the specified contentType as the Content-Type. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodPhysicalFile(String, String, String, NullableDateTimeOffset, EntityTagHeaderValue, Boolean) Returns the file specified by physicalPath (Status200OK), the specified contentType as the Content-Type, and the specified fileDownloadName as the suggested file name. This supports range requests (Status206PartialContent or Status416RangeNotSatisfiable if the range is not satisfiable).
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodProblem Creates an ObjectResult that produces a ProblemDetails response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirect Creates a RedirectResult object that redirects (Status302Found) to the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectPermanent Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true (Status301MovedPermanently) using the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectPermanentPreserveMethod Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true (Status308PermanentRedirect) using the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectPreserveMethod Creates a RedirectResult object with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true (Status307TemporaryRedirect) using the specified url.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodCode exampleRedirectToAction Redirects (Status302Found) to an action with the same name as current one. The 'controller' and 'action' names are retrieved from the ambient values of the current request.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToAction(String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToAction(String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToAction(String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the actionName and the controllerName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToAction(String, String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToAction(String, String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToAction(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified action using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanent(String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanent(String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanent(String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName and controllerName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanent(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified action with Permanent set to true using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPermanentPreserveMethod Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified action with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToActionPreserveMethod Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified action with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified actionName, controllerName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPage(String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPage(String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPage(String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified pageHandler.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPage(String, String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPage(String, String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPage(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePermanent(String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePermanent(String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePermanent(String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified pageHandler.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePermanent(String, String, Object, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified pageName using the specified routeValues and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePermanentPreserveMethod Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToPagePreserveMethod Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified page with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified pageName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoute(Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoute(String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoute(String, Object) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoute(String, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoute(String, Object, String) Redirects (Status302Found) to the specified route using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePermanent(Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePermanent(String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName and routeValues.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePermanent(String, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePermanent(String, Object, String) Redirects (Status301MovedPermanently) to the specified route with Permanent set to true using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePermanentPreserveMethod Redirects (Status308PermanentRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to true and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodRedirectToRoutePreserveMethod Redirects (Status307TemporaryRedirect) to the specified route with Permanent set to false and PreserveMethod set to true, using the specified routeName, routeValues, and fragment.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodResult Return the Result of a report execution
Public methodSignIn(ClaimsPrincipal) Creates a SignInResult.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties) Creates a SignInResult with properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, String) Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignIn(ClaimsPrincipal, AuthenticationProperties, String) Creates a SignInResult with the specified authentication scheme and properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignOut Creates a SignOutResult.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignOut(AuthenticationProperties) Creates a SignOutResult with properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignOut(String) Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSignOut(AuthenticationProperties, String) Creates a SignOutResult with the specified authentication schemes and properties.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodStatusCode(Int32) Creates a StatusCodeResult object by specifying a statusCode.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodStatusCode(Int32, Object) Creates a ObjectResult object by specifying a statusCode and value
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodSWExecuteReport Execute a report and returns the report html display result content (e.g. html with prompted restrictions). Check API of Seal Web Interface for more information.
Public methodSWExecuteReportToResult Execute a report into a report result and returns the result. Check API of Seal Web Interface for more information.
Public methodSWICheckSecurityCode 
Public methodSWICreateFolder Create a sub-folder in the repository.
Public methodSWIDeleteFiles Delete files or reports from the repository.
Public methodSWIDeleteFolder Delete a sub-folder in the repository. The folder must be empty.
Public methodSWIGetCultures Return the list of Cultures available
Public methodSWIGetFolderDetail Returns the list of file names and details contained in a folder.
Public methodSWIGetReportDetail Returns the views and outputs of a report.
Public methodSWIGetRootFolders Returns all the folders of the user (including Personal folders).
Public methodSWIGetRootMenu Returns the menu of the logged user.
Public methodSWIGetUserProfile Returns the profile information of the logged user.
Public methodSWIGetVersions Returns the version of the Seal Web Interface and the version of the Seal Library.
Public methodSWILogin Start a session with the Web Report Server using the user name, password, token (may be optional according to the authentication configured on the server) and returns information of the logged user (SWIUserProfile).
Public methodSWILogout Clear the current user session.
Public methodSWIMoveFile Move a file or a report in the repository.
Public methodSWIRenameFolder Rename a sub-folder in the repository.
Public methodSWISearch Returns the list of file names and details matching a search in the repository.
Public methodSWISetUserProfile Set the culture for the logged user.
Public methodSWITranslate Translate a text either from the public translations or the repository translations. If the optional parameter instance is not empty, the repository translations are used.
Public methodSWViewFile View a file published in the repository.
Public methodToStringReturns a string that represents the current object.
(Inherited from Object)
Public methodTranslate Translate text using the current Repository Locale
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsync(Object, Type, String) Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsync(Object, Type, String, IValueProvider, FuncModelMetadata, Boolean) Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel) Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current IValueProvider.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel, String) Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel, String, FuncModelMetadata, Boolean) Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel, String, IValueProvider) Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel, String, ExpressionFuncTModel, Object) Updates the specified model instance using values from the controller's current IValueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel, String, IValueProvider, FuncModelMetadata, Boolean) Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryUpdateModelAsyncTModel(TModel, String, IValueProvider, ExpressionFuncTModel, Object) Updates the specified model instance using the valueProvider and a prefix.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryValidateModel(Object) Validates the specified model instance.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodTryValidateModel(Object, String) Validates the specified model instance.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodUnauthorized Creates an UnauthorizedResult that produces an Status401Unauthorized response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodUnauthorized(Object) Creates an UnauthorizedObjectResult that produces a Status401Unauthorized response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodUnprocessableEntity Creates an UnprocessableEntityResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodUnprocessableEntity(ModelStateDictionary) Creates an UnprocessableEntityObjectResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodUnprocessableEntity(Object) Creates an UnprocessableEntityObjectResult that produces a Status422UnprocessableEntity response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodValidationProblem Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response with validation errors from ModelState.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodValidationProblem(ModelStateDictionary) Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response with validation errors from modelStateDictionary.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodValidationProblem(ValidationProblemDetails) Creates an BadRequestObjectResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodValidationProblem(String, String, NullableInt32, String, String, ModelStateDictionary) Creates an ActionResult that produces a Status400BadRequest response with a ValidationProblemDetails value.
(Inherited from ControllerBase)
Public methodView Creates a ViewResult object that renders a view to the response.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodView(Object) Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a model to be rendered by the view.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodView(String) Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a viewName.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodView(String, Object) Creates a ViewResult object by specifying a viewName and the model to be rendered by the view.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodViewComponent(String) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodViewComponent(Type) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to render.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodViewComponent(String, Object) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the name of a view component to render.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodViewComponent(Type, Object) Creates a ViewComponentResult by specifying the Type of a view component to render.
(Inherited from Controller)
Public methodViewResult Return the result of a report execution for a given format
See Also