Inheritance Hierarchy Namespace: Seal.HelpersAssembly: SealLibrary (in SealLibrary.dll) Version:
SyntaxThe FileHelper type exposes the following members.
Constructors | Name | Description |
 | FileHelper | Initializes a new instance of the FileHelper class |
Methods | Name | Description |
  | AddFolderChoices | |
  | AddPersonalFolderChoices | |
  | CleanFilePath | |
  | ConvertOSFilePath | |
  | CopyDirectory | |
  | CreateAndGetDirectory | |
  | CreateZIP(DictionaryString, String, String, String) | |
  | CreateZIP(String, String, String, String) | |
  | CreateZIPFromFile | |
  | CreateZIPFromFolder | |
  | DeleteFile | |
 | Equals | Determines whether the specified object is equal to the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
  | ExtractZipFile | |
  | FillZipDictionaryFiles |
Fill a dictionary of files for CreateZIP
 | Finalize | Allows an object to try to free resources and perform other cleanup operations before it is reclaimed by garbage collection. (Inherited from Object) |
  | FtpCopyDirectory | |
  | GetDirectorySize | |
 | GetHashCode | Serves as the default hash function. (Inherited from Object) |
  | GetResultFilePrefix | |
  | GetTempUniqueFileName | |
 | GetType | Gets the Type of the current instance. (Inherited from Object) |
  | GetUniqueFileName(String, String, Boolean) | |
  | GetUniqueFileName(String, String, String, Boolean) | |
  | IsReportFile | |
 | MemberwiseClone | Creates a shallow copy of the current Object. (Inherited from Object) |
  | MoveFile | |
  | PurgeTempApplicationDirectory | |
  | PurgeTempDirectory | |
  | ReadFile | |
  | ReportHasSchedule | |
 | ToString | Returns a string that represents the current object. (Inherited from Object) |
  | WriteFile | |
See Also